IOC Looking To Increase Number Of Auto LPG Stations



With an annual increase of 22% in sale of auto LPG (ALPG), Indian Oil Corporation is looking to increase the number of stations dispensing it. On an average, the city consumes 2,500 tonnes of ALPG per month and there are 32 outlets under the oil majors and another 15 managed by private companies. L.K.S Chauhan, Chief General Manager, Indian Oil, said the company wanted to increase the footprint of ALPG stations as the growth was quite encouraging. “We will study the requirement. Due to the increase in stations, there are no queues in outlets,” he said.

At present, the consumption in the State stands at 4,500 tonnes a month. ALPG began in 2004 in Chennai city and their average consumption per month was 58 tonnes per month, he said.

Even though the number of ALPG dispensing stations has increased from just five in 2004 to the present numbers, autorickshaw drivers said the outlets were not spread evenly throughout the city. “There are places that are still uncovered. The stations are located far and between, and their numbers are very less compared to petrol bunks. Hence, we are forced to tank up for larger amount and constantly worry about finding ALPG bunks,” said S. Shankar, an auto driver from Adyar.


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